Day 168 of 184: 15th of December 2017: Conclusions and resolutions

Dear readers,

The year is nearing it's end, and so is my project.
I have not been up to much the last month, as I first had to take 3 weeks of antibiotics for a heavy infection, and then (which is now) became ill, as my immune system was weakened.

But, my appartement is looking nicer every few days, as I, with help, get more and more things organised and where I want them.

My hair, especially the facial hair, is more a burden than anything.
I might continue to grow my hair, up to donation length, but I don't count on it.
This, because my hair had grown about 3-4 centimetres in the first 2 months, but only another 3 centimetres in the last 3,5 months. So my hair is currently about 6 centimetres, which is nowhere near enough for donation.
Thus, growing it to proper lengths takes a year or two, and maybe I will never reach that, per genetics.
I have had my hair 'really long' in my puberty, I found some pics in my google photos, and it looked ridiculous, as it becomes more grayish/ashy and more curly ast it gets longer. And this all not in a good way.

As I have updated the google photos album, I also added some (quite old) photos of me with the longer hair, just for your entertainment :)

I also started thinking about some New Year's Resolutions.
Or, rather, I had plans, which I can't do now anyway, as I am still ill, so I postponed them to the new year.
I am going to make January an exercise month for me, as I want to buld some more core muscle.
I will go out more, as in socially.

That's how far I've come so far.
Have you been thinking about what you want to do (or should do) in the future?
Are there things you really should or want to do, but just can't get to?
Maybe the new year is a good time to do those things, as it is a symbolical, and quite real, fresh start.
A fresh start, to do the awesome things to make you even more you.

A fresh start, like a freshly shaved head, on which your awesomeness can grow, like a head full of hairs.
You don't have to do much for this, just time and some TLC will do most.
But, make a step, take a guess, start something, and see where it leads you.
Take a dive into the unknown.
Remember: Life starts where your comfort zone ends.

I made a step, and I had my thoughts before and regrets after. I've had my fair share of ups and downs, but I'm still standing, and probably stronger and wiser (or at least richer in experiences) than ever before.

That's all of it from me for now.

Hope you and all your loved ones enjoy this month of warmth and holidays!

Season's greetings and happy holidays,



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