
Posts uit september, 2017 tonen

Day 70 of 184: 8th September 2017: Whoops

Hello dear readers, It's been a while, 4 weeks, whoops. Well, I've been busy; school has just started, and I've got a lot of work, since I started a job just over a month ago. I started working at a climbing park, with high rope routes between the trees. I also started as a tutor, got hired last weekend. And last, but certainly not least: I will be moving out, into my very own appartment, later this month. All in all, it is a very exciting and very nervous time for me. It all takes so much thought and energy, that I forget the smallest and simplest things, like writing on this blog. I even started writing this post 5 days ago (!). And I also forgot to make some pictures, but I'm sure you can fill in the gaps. No donations have come in for a while, so we are still at €76,96 I have updated the Google Photos Album, so be sure to drop by and give it a look. Since I have no more inspiration, I'll leave it at this. Best to all of you! Dimitri