
Posts uit oktober, 2017 tonen

Day 121 of 184: 29th of October 2017: I've moved out!

Hey all! Laying down the last pieces of my floor, I suddenly remembered: I haven't written a blog post in a month again. Shame, shame. That was the 10th of October. It's the 29th now, what happened?! Time went by so fast. I moved out, into my very own appartment, on Saturday the 15th. Living on my own feels natural and weird at the same time. It has cost me a lot of time and energy over the last weeks. I also have a test week next week, so I am quite a bit stressed this week. Anyway, enough about my situation, more about my hair. Since my beard does not look that great, I decided to use some product in it, so I've tried different things: pomade, wax, gel, but not everything works great, but I found one we had lying around that works wonderful, but of course, that one still lies at my parents' house, so I have to make-do for now. And, I actually used hair gel in my head hair last week, which I haven't done in years, because I basically always disliked