Day 32 of 184: 1st of August 2017: I went camping, and my hair is growing nicely

Dear readers,

It's been a while.
I was camping last Monday through Friday, and I will be gone again for a week now.
So, this'll be a short update, and then I'll write again when I'm back.

Speaking of short, my hair length:
I measureds (or at least tried to) my hair, and it is about 15mm long now.
For, and I quote Matt Parker "backwards people who don't use the metric system", that is about 5/8th of an inch.

I hope all of you enjoy your holidays, I know I do.
From Russia, with great affection :P


P.S. I am not actually Russian, not even remotely

I'll add the pics, and leave it at this for now
I added an extra one from the 19th of July, since I had a pic from in the ferris wheel, as I was on a carnival. Also, you can clearly see the days I was out camping, had no mirror.

As I posted the pictures, I noticed the difference in hair length. Funny, how 10 days of hair growth, which would be about 5 mm, is so visible.

19th July

July 20th

July 21st

July 22nd

July 23rd

July 24th

July 25th

July 26th

July 27th

July 28th

July 29th

July 30th

July 31st

August 1st


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