Day 10 of 184: 10th of July 2017

Dear readers,

I promised a blog post at lesat once a week and it's been 9 days. I am very sorry.
I thought to write it Thursday, but ran out of time, and I had a very busy weekend.

But, here I am again, with a new blog post and some great news!
The donations have passed €75 already!
I have had some friends donating, and some teachers, as I spoke about it at my certificate ceremony.

And, with more pictures, you can find them all at the bottom.
10th July, with a Ring-Tailed Lemur
But this one is very special, it's taken today by one of my fellow volunteers at the zoo.
He is also the photographer on the zoo, and he just happened to be there when I finished my shift. I wanted to get a selfie with a lemur for my blog, so he helped me.
Go check him out here

Some things I have learned or noticed in the last week:
- Besides not liking to take selfies before, I am not good at it.
- I sun-burned my scalp yesterday, as I went swimming with my bro and a friend.
- I am so used to combing my hair in the morning, because of the burlocks, that I wanted to grab my comb several times and actually had it on my scalp one morning already.
- My smile might look fake, but it is genuine.
(This might be because my left eye closes quite a bit more, due to an old injury, and I usually smirk, raising my the left corner of my mouth more. These things make my face assymetrical and thus less genuine.)

And that's about it for now.
I will write another post soon.

Til next time,


2nd of July
3rd of July

4th of July

5th of July 
7th of July
6th of July

8th of July
9th of July

I almost forgot to make a picture on the 9th, so it was past 23:00 and I was real sleepy, as you can see.


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